Half-Life 2's Citadel is 3 times taller than everyone thought, says guy who spent 9 years thinking about it | PC Gamer - andersoncritaiment
Incomplete-Life 2's Citadel is 3 times taller than everyone thought, says hombre who spent 9 years intellection about it

When visiting City 17, don't forget to check out the Citadel. You hindquarters't girl it: it's a monumental soiled outlander structure in the center of the city, looming over the remnants of the human race with Dr. Breen's cozy office occupying the top floor. Half-Animation 2 begins at the foot of the Bastion and ends on its roof, with a slight detour to everywhere other in between.
The Citadel is a tall building. Information technology's thus tall you can see it pointing to the firmament with its tip inhumed in the clouds even hours after you've left City of London itself. But how tall is it, exactly? Half-Life fans wanted to know.
In 2009 someone emailed Half-Lifespan 2 author Marc Laidlaw to ask how tall the Bastion was.
Laidlaw, apparently, didn't know either. According to the person who emailed him, Laidlaw asked a Half life 2 artist, and that creative person aforementioned it was 'at to the lowest degree a stat mi' higher, adding: "If you crapper find somebody with a HL2 tree, they could burden IT up in model viewer and reproduce the size by 16 (because this is a skybox version) you'll get an exact altitude."
Various calculations ensued, and in 2022 it was ultimately determined that the Bastion is 2,569 meters (8,430 feet) high. That's a little all over a mile-and-a-half. Extremely tall! (Mark: initial calculations showed it organism even taller, nearly 3,000 meters, but those calculations were revised to account for part of the social structure being subway system.) Here's an look-alike created for scale aboard other buildings on Earth. And these days, still the Combine Overwiki accepts this height as correct.
But a redditor named Rscreamroad didn't quite buy IT, and it's apparently bothered him for the past 9 years or so, of all time since the Citadel's height was calculated. He decided to do some re-calculating, and posted an extensive account of his findings connected Reddit.
"Over the course of these 9 years, I had a great deal of objections that destroyed my concentration in the game," Rscreamroad says in the post. "I want to leastways try to deliver my ideas to the community and resume this discussion."
Part of Rscreamroad's issue is that if the height of 2,569 meters is straight, that would mean value the Bastion is but about 250 meters wide, which doesn't make a lot of sense for those who have been inside the Citadel. We've seen not just how tall the building is but how thicc it is, having taken an extensive Combine fuel pod ride through its national near the end of Half-Lifetime 2. 250 meters (820 feet) doesn't seem quite big adequate to hold everything we've seen in there, from fleets of gunships to striders stomping angrily around inside. The trail the pod rides on is quite long and implies an inland width considerably larger than 250 meters.
Soh, Rscreamroad did some investigating. He loaded the unwavering that takes place at the top of the inning of the Citadel and looked down at the texture of the urban center below, which he eventually assumed was supported a real satellite image. In the game files, that cityscape was actually four different images, and afterwards pasting the images together, Rscreamroad compared it to real cities, yet discovering that the view of City 17 from the top of the Citadel was really created from a picture looking down on New York City. And the camera position for that picture is a peak of 8,773 meters. When you'Ra at the top of the Citadel looking down, the city is nearly 9,000 meters downstairs you.
Basing the height of the Citadel along an image of the ground at a lower place might non be the most knowledge base conclusion, considering the artists believably just picked an icon that looked good and would give the players an notion of beingness selfsame high in the bare. Just when Rscreamroad loaded the Citadel model from Half-Animation 2 into Blender, he found that it wasn't really that far off. His measurements in Blender concluded that the Citadel is "27,580 feet or 8,406 meters. IT was also 860 meters bird's-eye and went 230 meters underground."
If Rscreamroad is correct, that's considerably taller than the height of 2,569 meters. Information technology's ended five miles high. It makes the Citadel about threefold as tall American Samoa everyone has assumed for the tense decade. And being that tall makes the interior wide enough that the long-handled Commingle pod ride makes much to a greater extent good sense.
Rscreamroad ISN't wholly oversubscribed on this new measurement himself, yet. He says: "The truth is that the Source engine has a bunch of antithetic versions [of the Bastion manikin]. Happening the developer resources I found information that they began to use the 1/12 scale for the skybox unit in the latest versions of the engine. And in some cases, 1 unit is not half-and-half to 1 edge, but 2/3 inches. And the Blender itself, depending on versions 2.79 and 2.8+, slightly changed the mechanism for converting model sizes relative to loaded models."
I'd say a five-mile-tall Citadel seems... a routine too upper, to Pine Tree State anyway. At the very least, it looks the likes of the Half life community has something new to argue over. If you'd sooner sentinel a video than read the entire Reddit Emily Price Post , Rscreamroad made a television too and you put up watch it Here connected YouTube.
Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/half-life-2s-citadel-is-3-times-taller-than-everyone-thought-says-guy-who-spent-9-years-thinking-about-it/
Posted by: andersoncritaiment.blogspot.com
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